Kelly - Octavia Boulevard, SF

"I'm inspired by bright colors, flowers, nature and random things too."
I spotted Kelly when I was walking on Hayes Street, but she was talking on her cell. After a few more circles around the block, I walked into Miette and there she was asking about my day. Minutes later she was posing for a few shots.
I really like the blue of her blouse and how she matched it with a stripped skirt and light colored boots. It's as if the skirt is the compromise between the blouse and boots, containing color aspects of both.
A closer look at her boots.

Labels: Octavia Boulevard, San Francisco, street fashion
those boots are super cute. :o
Yea me too I love CornFlowerBlue and concrete of course (well maybe that's not actually concrete)
I just saw that you're collaborating on a blog with Chris Wetherell, just before that I thought you're probably the first human being (as opposed to a corporation) to score on my interface scale as high as google (or or wikipedia). With this I probably wanted to say that I'm shocked and that I really like this blog :)
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