Happy New Year!

Thank you for all the support that you've shown me and fashionist the last 7 months. I'm looking forward to 2008 and all the opportunities available to make fashionist a destination for streetstyle inspiration.
One of my resolutions in 2008 is to be open to change and possibility. So in that spirit, I ask if any of you dear visitors have any requests for themes or feedback regarding this here site. I'd appreciate it and would be happy to consider all requests and credit you accordingly.
In the meantime, I'll try to get back to my regular posting schedule.
Hope all your hopes and wishes come true in 2008!
i know that street shooting is somewhat, if not largely, serendipitous (that is, you find what you find, right?), but it would be interesting to see a theme concerning color(s), or color combinations, as spotted on the street in a given time period.
the same thing might work also for textures, and the like.
happy new year! it seems to have been a wonderful one for you. keep up the great work, my friend. :)
Thank you Tricia! You've been awesome in supporting me and this site this year and I mightily appreciate it.
It's been a few weeks since I've done themes, but I can definitely try for color themes, I'm guessing you'd like orange and yellow? :)
I've done plaid woolens and red-white-blue before, so it isn't such a stretch. I'll keep this in mind as I shoot over the next few weeks.
Thanks Lady!
well, orange and yellow are certainly lovely, but any color theme would be interesting, as all colors are interesting! of course, if you have favorites, that's a reflection of you, and this is your site, after all!
i'm interested in whatever you come up with, this or anything else.
happy new year, mai!
i just love whatever you come up with on this site. it IS sort of an inspiration, fashionwise. :)
I have been reading ever since I found your blog on Blog of Note--I was hooked immediately. I have nothing in the way of suggestions, but I wanted to thank you for my daily dose of West Coast style. I like that your site is clean and predictable--predictable in that there is always something interesting to see. You edit what you see well. And I like that you present all types of styles and looks. Okay, I'm done gushing...and I'll be reading in 2008!
I'd love to see how people dress for work and work-to-nightlife. Always need inspiration! (Maybe a Montgomery BART station shoot at 6 pm?) Great blog-- it really is fun to get a snapshot of local style. Also, maybe you can get your site up on stylemob.com?
thanks @kaiyenski, @angela and @pacificmod.
@pacificmod, i have a stylemob account, that i started when they were invite only and it was a bit painful for me, i'll look at it again, but won't be able to update as easily/quickly as i do on my own site. sometimes i send photos over to my flickr account: flickr.com/photos.maile - but that is mixed in with crafts and babies as well. :)
Happy New Year, Mai!
I love seeing who you pick out on fashionist. :) The only thing I'd like to see is some kind of category links (or tags) so I can see all of the different kinds of people you shoot.
Just watching these things helps me think about my wardrobe more effectively. Since I don't have a lot of time for that, thanks for going out there and finding inspiration for us!
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