Shultzie - Magic Marketplace, Las Vegas

"A lot of vintage menswear inspires my style, and I really, I love like dollhouse. No not the brand. Just the idea, big things, over exaggerated and pastel colors, that type of stuff. We went to Project and we went to Pool for my store."
Beyond her perfect haircut and awesome strawberry blonde hair color, Shultzie's version of strong jeweled tones in color blocks is a primo example of success with color mixing. I'm calling her a chroma mixologist.

Shoes peeking out from under her wide-legged jeans.

Shultzie, I misplaced your card. If you leave your url in the comments, I'll update the post. Sorry and thank you!
Labels: Las Vegas, Magic Marketplace, street fashion, women
Hey, we love Shultzie! She is the fantastic owner of The Paperdoll in Bellingham, WA which stocks our line of clothing and accessories. Check out The Paperdoll online at !!!
Cheers, Feral Childe
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