Edith - Divisadero Street, SF

"Good question. The things I like and I'm just looking in magazines. I'm French and I've been here for 6 months."
There are those moments as a street style photographer that you regret that you didn't act fast enough. A person running past, someone just about to get in a cab, if you don't react quickly and get the photo, your chance to document someone might zip on by. Such was (I thought) the case with Edith. I saw her sail past on her bike and she looked so carefree, so put together and I regretted that I didn't stop her, until... Well, until, she parked her bike about a 100 yards from me and I was able to verify what I spotted in a split second. She is an effervescently cool chick, whose style, though casual, has a definite aesthetic that is evident in the cut and colors she chooses. Here's to grabbing good opportunities when we can.

Her Tom's go perfectly with her outfit.

Labels: Divisadero Street, San Francisco, street fashion, women
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