Maja - Dolores Park, SF

"I just found it in a second hand shop in Sydney for like $10, so there isn't much thought behind it, but I just like it."
Ever since I started buying my own clothes at age 14, I wore vintage clothing. So, when I was a teenager, I wore styles from the 1960s and later the 1970s. The only time I bought new clothes is when I was in college during the 1990s. I consider those my worse dressed years, yet I am currently drawn to 1990s' silhouettes. Take this cute yet paper bag shaped dress on Maja, something about it reminds me of my 20 year old self and not just because she is wearing Converse with it. There is a charm in her outfit for nostalgic me, and if she was wearing a scrunchy, it wouldn't be surprising (though she's not). I'm not sure I'm ready to personally revisit the paper bag silhouette, but I am appreciating how it looks on others.

Those aforementioned Converse.

Labels: Dolores Park, San Francisco, street fashion, women
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