Nick - Folsom Street, SF

"My style is just whatever I feel like dressing like that day. I have a picture of everything, so whatever I feel: happy, sad, whatever, projects through my clothing."
Color, texture, silhouette - Nick has it in spades. Something about his outfit (DMs and tight patterned jeans) reminds me of the punks of 'yore - the ever fashionable Sex Pistols type (not the Ramones type).

Those aforementioned Doc Martens. [Updated, actually they're Timmy's from Type Z - from comments, thanks.]

Labels: Folsom Street, men, San Francisco, street fashion
I have those boots! They are Timmys from Type Z.
he is too cool, and the last guy you posted too!
ran across some of your publicly shared (creative commons-licenced) photos from flickr featured on the website...keep up the good work!
Thanks @anon - joandjoe aren't actually using my photos per the terms of my cc license! so, i appreciate you letting me know and i hope they'll do right by me, but correctly using the license.
pls. i cant find these shoes anywhere on the net, and especially ones that ship to europe. pls can someone help me. or at least does someone know of any similar ones?
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