Adam and Tarren - Folsom Street, SF

Adam: "Well, you know there are so many different type of signals that you could be sending and I try to send really the most unique possible in a way. Or something that doesn't really identify me in any particular subculture, things like that. So a style where there is still space for, not really conforming to something. But kind of being understood, in a way. Yeah."
Tarren: "This outfit specifically, I think we were just thinking about the fall, mostly. And also we've noticed pink following us around lately, so he has a pink sweater that he took off, but it matches the pink on my dress."
So, I stopped Adam and Tarren because I was pretty much wearing the same outfit as Tarren, except my Laura Ashley dress was light blue and my boots were white (and of the 80s scrunch down variety). I know people are sometimes horrified when things like this happen, but I find it sort of funny and reaffirming at the same time. Anyhow, they look great. On a total other tip, how often do natural reds hang out together?

His lace-ups and her beautiful cowboy boots.

Labels: men, San Francisco, street fashion, women
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