Stephanie - West 3rd Street, Austin [TxSCC]

"Can I give you some blogs that are my style inspiration? Because I read blogs all day. I mean, obviously I'm inspired by the 70s, and sometimes the 60s, mostly the 70s. Gypsies, caravans, crazy old cat ladies inspire me. But mostly different blogs like Oracle Fox and Karen from Where Did You Get That, she's out of New York. I love girls that over accessorize, I think that going over the edge, going too far is kind of fun."
Stephanie works for Lulu's, so maybe it isn't surprising that she has amazing fashionist foo at accessorizing. Her outfit starts out great with an asymmetrical skirt, a beautiful fringe bag, and a square crop cut blouse, but it rises to amazing status with her necklace, bracelets, and rings. Yep, more is definitely more.

A look at her, not JC shoes, that are lovely.


Labels: Austin, street fashion, sxsw, TX Style Council Conference, women
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