Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Friday, January 27, 2012
Andrew - Valencia Street, SF

"Nothing, just me. That's it."
A militaristic edge with an extra bit of color (his trainers) and check out the slight paper bag silhouette of his jeans.

A look at his ox blood red trainers.


Labels: men, San Francisco, street fashion, Valencia Street
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Damon - Mission Street, SF

"Mostly the 50s, or a deconstructed mixture between the 50s, the 70s and kind of lumberjack, in a way, I guess."
I'm feeling all early 60s prep in this outfit. Clean lines and smooth styling.

A look at his tassel loafers with distinctly modern footsies sticking out.


Labels: men, Mission Street, San Francisco, street fashion
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Katie - 18th Street, SF

"Bright colors and bold choices."
Katie later sent me an email: "When I got home I realized I should have told you an amusing anecdote about my shoes. They belong to my Nan. She saw me wearing similar shoes and insisted on giving them to me. So the shoes you photographed me in actually belong to my Nan (Grandma). Also when I got home I realized I should have posed with my pink Holga camera I was carrying in my bag. It matched my outfit PERFECTLY! I hate missed matching opportunities..."
Love her bright pastels on a cool SF day.

Un-grandma looking Grandma shoes.


Labels: 18th Street, San Francisco, street fashion, women
Monday, January 23, 2012
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Angelina - Mission Street, SF

"Id say, I love to do a lot of mixing and matching. And I love Sarah Jessica Parker, she is one of my favorite stye icons, so I like it a little rough and mixing modern and vintage is key."
I love Angelina's whole outfit, the silhouette of flowy skirt that sits on waist, her colorful patterned blouse, and the perfect length and shape jacket to tie it all together. Those vintage boots (described below) are to die for.

Gorgeous scalloped lace-up ankle boots in gray leather.


Labels: Mission Street, San Francisco, street fashion, women
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Christina - Mission Street, SF

"Just go into the closet and put on whatever the weather calls for. I don't think about it too much."
I found something charming in her pageboy haircut, worn with her beanie and that red scarf.

I love these green and brown leather booties


Labels: Mission Street, San Francisco, street fashion, women
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Julie - Mission Street, SF

"Nothing in particular, I guess. Just what is comfortable and somewhat current. I like retro styles, so I incorporate that into what is going on."
Cute hair, cute way to wear a scarf. Julie's style feels very neo-preppy to me.

A look at her Keds.


Labels: Mission Street, San Francisco, street fashion, women
Monday, January 16, 2012
Felicia - 18th Street, SF

"This outfit? All my other laundry is wet because I am going back to New York tomorrow."
I like how this outfit is neutral and graphic in black and gray and then suddenly there is a shot of blue and a shot of green. You can find Felicia online shooting her own view of the world at Felicia Wong Photography.

Blue 7-hole, pointy Doc Marten's.


Labels: 18th Street, San Francisco, street fashion, women
Monday, January 9, 2012
Claire - Valencia Street, SF

"I'm a jeweler so I like big vintage, time-worn pieces. Anything that looks time-worn, anything old and vintage."
You can find Claire Hummel's jewelry at Bell Jar in SF. Love the texture, pattern, and print in her layering of t-shirt, western shirt, and wool blazer. I also love her bright turquoise rings and badass attitude.

Perfectly worn leather boots.


Labels: San Francisco, street fashion, Valencia Street, women
Nora and Lauren - Valencia Street, SF

Nora: "I would have to say that other people inspire my style. I like to walk around and look at other people and take what I like. What I don't like, I don't use."
Lauren: "I think some of my friends, also. I like individual comfortable pieces that all sort of go together easily without thinking too much about it."
I like that they are wearing layers with a shock of brightness and an element of preppyness.

A look at their shoes (saddle shoes and boat shoes - oh my).


Labels: San Francisco, street fashion, Valencia Street, women
Friday, January 6, 2012
Tiare - Valencia Street, SF

"Militia and mysticism."
Tiare's been on fashionist before. When I reminded her that I had taken her picture before and remarked on how her style has evolved, she said that she had *just* moved back from New York, so that probably had something to do with it. I like that blue and black together is no longer taboo, that her bright pink t-shirt is almost shouting in its intensity, and that she looks like she owns Valencia.

A look at her battered white flats.


Labels: San Fran, street fashion, Valencia Street, women